Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Needy People

You may not recognize these people until it is too late. They are not you typical leeches that suck the life our of people at the drop of a hat. No these folks are subtle in their vacuuming process of life. Usually it is the ones you lest expect. Haven't recognized them yet? Let me give you a few clues to watch out for. During conversation do they often relate back to the same short list of issues that usually deal with them not having something? Is it getting clearer? Does alot of what comes out of there mouth have to do with the lack of relationships in their lives? Are they telling you about the latest "Joshua-Harris-how-to-find-spouse-in-30-days-or-less" book they just read? Do they mask their reason for reading it as wanting to get closer to God? It should be pretty clear now, you should have names in mind. These are Needy people. Actually they "needy" to get their head unstuck from their own rear and live life. God never meant for us to pursue marriage with as much time, money and energy as most people are giving it today. He wants us to take advantage of our time with out a spouse to capatalize on the opportunities we will miss when we are married and have different priorities. When was the last time you help a stranger at the grocery store? Or cut your neighbor's grass? Or took a friend out to lunch for no reason? Why have we put so much into our own selfishness that we miss lessons from Jesus' parables. Remember the Good Samaritan? That guy didn't think selfishly but used his time, money and energy to help someone else. I wonder if he was single? I wonder if he had a copy of "Find 'Em and Marry 'Em Jehovah's Way" in his bag? Maybe he just got it and understood that right then he could stop and help someone without a screaming kid in the minivan.

Moral of this story: Don't stare at your left hand ring finger so much that you miss what is going on around you.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Buying the cow

Lately I have been pondering the simple phrase of "Buying the cow." No this isn't a relationship issue it is the high price of milk. I have seen some places go to $3.50 and the nation's average is close to $4. Milk may do a body good but the finances...Ouch. So what about buying the cow? Will it help to just purchase "Bessie" and have milk anytime you want it? What about just cutting milk out of your diet? I am not a milk expert but I think that after all the processes of feeding the cow, caring for it, and cleaning the milk so it is drinkable; I think I will pay the extra dollar to have the milk. Moral of this story: It is cheaper not to buy the cow, But pay for the milk by the gallon. This is the proven theory behind prostitution, so is buying milk like prostitution. No how dare you think so little of milk.