Tuesday, December 06, 2005

At the house

After being out of work for almost a month, I am offically going crazy. No there are no leads. I hate being at home. I would rather hold a sign at a busy intersection for Kmart's 50% off sale than be at the house. I've realized that I am a worker. I love to earn my keep, contribute to society, pay my taxes, and be considered as an adult. Face it when you are out of work for whatever reason, you feel less like an adult and more like a dependant. It is not a good feeling. So I did what I thought I would never do, I went back to the store. I am receiving stock for the Christmas season. It is only part time, but I feel like I am an adult again. I have something to do. For those of you saying, "I wish I could have some time off and do whatever I want. It must be nice." You are either lazy or have no idea what being out of work is like. I am blessed to be financially able to stay afloat, but it is still nerve-racking. I am in a race against time. I have to find a job...preferablly one that uses my gifts and abilites, before the money runs out. I am not sheltered to think that I will find this said job in a short amount of time. After all it took me almost 7 years to find a job in my sweet spot. It only lasted one month. I would like to find another one in less than 7 years, but you now understand my worry. It is not easy being a woman in ministry. Unless you have been there, you really can't understand. Yes I know God is sovereign, I also know He will put me where He wants me. But if you have been on the receiving end of those statements, however true they are, it is not comforting. It has the same affect that saying a loved one is "in a better place" after they die. So I ask for your prayers. I ask for your friendship. I also ask that if you hear of a job I would enjoy call me; I will be at the house.

Monday, November 21, 2005


What have you been training for? What has life put in your path that you have used years down the road? Has life taken a direction you didn't expect only to pickup experience you would of never had? Have you ever been given a chance? My journey so far has been ... um... odd. I went from from Georgia to Texas to Georgia to South Carolina over the last ten years. I have worked in 4 cities, 8 job positions, & 5 different churches. While in Texas at school, I worked in the Landscaping department. I mowed grass. Later, I was promoted and put in charge of an entire crew of men and women. I was to direct and maintain the landscaping for the main campus (that dealt with the lawn itself) and some of the off campus housing. I was put in a position of leadership. Wierd I know, I was shy and quiet. I wasn't trained in the finer points of landscaping. I never had experience in this type of work. The higher-ups took a chance. We had several events on campus as well as interesting seasonal events that directly affected the lawns. My crew was outstanding! We prefected the aspect of speed, accuracy, and dependability. Later that year I was honored with an award for leading this crew. I was given a chance and had awesome people working with me. Since this I have taken other positions where people have given me chances to lead and have seen things happen around me that were incredible. I love to lead. Coming along side people with a shared goal; it is intoxicating. Thank you to those who gave me a chance. Thank you for noticing that I was being prepared for the future. Thank you for passing on your wisdom and legacy to me. Thank you God for leading me everyday and being the best example of a leader ever!

Ok, now the application. People who consider themselves as leaders...Who have you given a chance to? Who have you paid close enough attention to notice potential? If you cannot name anyone, then maybe you are not the leader you think you are. Does you legacy die with you and your accomplishments or do they live within others you have passed wisdom to? Do you even have a legacy worth leaving with others? Wow this is a chunk to swallow, especially for me. I need to go an search for potential in others now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sanctuary Etiquette

You Loved it so here it is again:

Ok, for all those who always wanted to know what not to do in church here is a few suggestions.

1) I understand it is great to find a church that accepts you the way you are, but seriously we need to make sure that we are not misrepresenting ourselves. Worship experiences with a corporate body of believers is to be between you and God, the fewer the distractions the better. So when I find the perfect seat to focus on my Lord and someone sits in front of me and forces me to "say no to crack," I lose the essence of my worship. I believe we are to worship God unashamed, but some people should be ashamed. Please make sure that the parts that God made to be covered by Hanes products stay covered. No cracks, either from the bottom or the top. Why do so many people try to get rid of facial wrinkles and cracks but they want to show off others strategically placed ones? Also some women think it is cute to wear skirts that are ruffled and extremely short. I have a name for these skirts, Fart-skirts. It is simple, if they would fart the skirt would blow up with little or no effort. I used to tell the teenage girls to bend over with your feet crossed in front of your Dad and if he approves it is probably ok. I understand there are some horrible dads in the world but generally they will not let their name be branded as the father of a slut if they can help it. Moral of this story: If you bend, everything should stay in.

2) It is so sweet to see people who are in love. They hold hands, put arms around each other, smile in a sappy sort of way. However, remember that when in church our worship is to be focused on God, not the person we are trying to woo. Husbands and wives also need to remember to keep the married people antics at home. One recent experience left me with lots of questions and nausea. A couple who, I assumed, loved each other at least for the duration of the singing, could not keep there hands...well...off each other. I have seen secure and insecure couples scratch each others backs, squeeze hands, play with each others hair. This day I saw something that has scarred me for life...she was rubbing his butt! Up and down, side to side, circles; you name it. Any way she could rub she did. I wasn't sure if they were going to be able to stay for the whole service, but they did. PDA is only acceptable in corporate worship if you are using the computer PDA to take notes of the sermon. Moral of this story: We are to lift up "holy hands" and feel the presence of God, not grope our brothers or sisters.


At times everyone needs a crutch. Whether it is from a stumped toe or a incredible fall we still may need crutches. Do crutches necessarily mean weakness? Does it mean we can't handle our situation? No. Most people runaway from crutches. They assume anyone who has them is faulty and permenaently damaged. That is not the case. In most situations crutches are temporary. They are aides that help us get back on our own two feet. They are pieces of wood that give us the ability to stand when it is difficult. A cool thing about crutches is that they are not always two sticks we lean on, they can be other shapes and sizes. I recently had the need to use crutches. My crutches were not asked for but were provided anyway. My crutches came in the form of flesh, blood, and incredible hearts for Christ. When things happen in life and question your purpose, you feel you have come up lame. With a horse you shoot it; but we as humans have another way, we use crutches to aid us in healing. I want to thank my crutches. Those who listened and didn't talk about themselves all the time. Those who helped me understand the purpose God has given me and directed me to fulfill it. Those who reaffirmed me & gave me hard to swallow compliments. Those who validated my calling and leadership when I question if I was even a leader to begin with. THANK YOU. You make an awesome crutches and have made me more open to be a crutch for others lifting them up when they need it. You are a picture of Christ to me.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Playing it safe

Now we have all heard people comment on "playing it safe." And we have also heard the wanna-be's state all the things they do to live on the edge. Usually these people are trying to convince themselves they are exciting more than convincing the rest of the world. What I would like to ask is what have you done to "not play it safe" in your walk with Christ? Being safe has its place, but if we put saftey before obedience, who are we really following? I have struggled with this very question. It is not easy. Nor is there a cut and dry answer that can be typed, written, or paraphrased. It is based on a relationship between the individuals involved. Some people will jump off a slide of a cliff with a parachute before stepping foot into what Christ has called them to do. Why? What makes one risk greater than the other? Are we headed toward a thrill-seeking life with no meaning or lasting impact? It will be like the only thing we are known for is being the 8th President. You can't name him either or remember anything else he accomplished. Can the people around you say the same? Can heaven?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Worn Tires

Buying tires to me is one of the most annoying things in life. You have to shop for the best price, take hours out of your day and then endure the smelly mechanic with their belittling "sweetie" and "dear" conversations. I know a bit about cars and pride myself on revealing just enough information to belittle El Stink-o Gearhead. But tires are important. They are what we rely on to get us to certain destinations. Tires are meant to be used. They are designed for travel and dependability. Tires are the grip we have on the road. What is not fun is wasting those tire on spinning in place. Ok I have spun a wheel in my day and laughed about it, but to do it continually is not smart. Tires are meant to take you somewhere. And to do nothing but stay in one spot spinning away is a tradgedy of immoral proportions. So why do we spin in place in other things? It frustrates and irritates us beyond comprehension. I would rather slam into a brick wall that spin in place. I want to WIN. And winners move forward.

Friday, September 09, 2005


I hate chess. Mainly because I cannot play. I probably could learn it and eventually be really good at it. It is such a game of strategy that it hurts my head. Playing with pawns on a checkered board seems too much like a game of power. Maybe it is for those who cannot master power in real life. Maybe it is the only way man can pretend to be God instructing their little wooden universe in a mini battle of good vs. evil. I think there should be a super chess piece added to the existing ones. A piece that can trump the royalty of the board. Wouldn't that be cool? I think this piece may look a lot like lady justice. Blinded but fair and powerful. What would the game look like with justice? What would life look like with justice? Maybe life already has it in some forms? Maybe grace keeps it at bay?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Mean tricks

Have you ever had someone try the old "dollar on a string" trick on you. For most of us a dollar still is a lot of money so finding one laying on the sidewalk is not a coincidence but an answered prayer. Your heart thumps as you reach down to take hold of this manna from heaven. Just as you get close...it slides away. You are determined so you give chase. All the while someone is laughing in a hidden location. Dreams dashed. Dreams crushed. You are angry, embarassed, and hurt.
Does this sound familar. Finally after so much time your dream is in sight. You can see it, smell it, taste it. You are invited to take it finally, after all the hard work and long wait, to make this dream a tangible reality. Then without warning a cruel twist of fate snatches it further away. You are left hanging, frozen. Your thoughts are clouded in utter shock. When you straighten you have questions...should I reach again or just walk away? Is this a joke?
So what do you do? Here is what I would do. Stand tall and be observant. Look around. Is the dream/dollar connected to something? Notice your surroundings, listen, draw conclusions from facts not assumptions. Follow the string. Find the person laughing in a hidden location and beat the crap out of him. Take what was snatched away from you.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Lies from Childhood Revealed

I love the wonder of children. Okay, I love the gullable nature of children. They are fun. We can tell them stories, and they believe them to the letter. Remember all those fairy tales. We thought unicorns actually exsisted, frogs turned into princes, and houses were make of edible items. But they are not true. Cows cannot not jump over moons and neither does "once upon a time" always end with "happily ever after." Yet we try to make our lives match those lovely stories. We think that just because we are not the one the mirror names as the "fairest of them all," we have failed and an Extreme Makeover is our only hope. So what do we do when the slipper doesn't fit? How do we go on when the goose lays a regular egg? We live. We may not have countless people reading about us, but that is more common than you think. Just because a story, or an article, or a TV show features someone does not mean it is the norm. It is the exact opposite. There are more people out there that choose reality to live in instead of Hollywood. They are the people that make our country great. I don't know about you, but I rather be defined by an average, dependable assembly-line worker than a maid walking around in glass high heels. It is ok to dream, just remember to wake up.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Wadded Panties Cause Uncomfortable Rashes

Don't you just love people who react to anything by immediately diving into a huge attitude problem? They may get quiet, or loud. They may call you names or never call you again. Some get so out of shape that it borders a medical emergency to remove the wad. We have all had wedgies and understand how they can be uncomfortable. But wedgies and wadded panties are two different situations. Wedgies are usually unwanted and unintended. Wadded panties are usually people taking themselves way too seriously. So do you suffer from a wad or a wedgie? Intended or unwanted? Self-centered or victim of circumstance? Wadded panties, when worn that way too long, can cause unconfortable rashes. It is uncomfortable for the person with the wad and the people watching them walk around like they just got off a horse.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Books are an ingenious invention that make the best use of words. They can take our imaginations further than we alone could ever go. They can spark conversations that can be debated for hours and days. Books can collect dust better than any solid matter ever. They can educate, make us cry, change our view of life itself. But why? Do words have that powerful an effect? We see people break up through the mail, or now through email. We see contracts that if not followed to the last letter, can be nullified immediately. Magazines, newspapers, billboards, even some TV ads use words to persuade the reader. We have an entire book devoted to defining words. We have lanuages so we can communicate using words. But as the most intelligent being created we suck at our use of this intelligent gift. We argue, slander, gossip, create excuses, and lie. From the same mouth we praise God and curse man... Why? So my question is this...what do your words say about you? Are they constantly referring back to yourself? Do you attract people or repel them? Do the words in your conversations honor the God you say serve or do they make others wonder if you know God at all?

Hmmmm. Ouch.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Some things that make me crazy is that people do not appreciate what they have. Like their vehicles, houses, pets, parents, and etc... But the one thing I cannot understand is why people do not appreciate their names. Your mama worked hard to get you into the world and then had to think of a name! And all you do is shorten and mutilate it until it sounds like some gibberish adults use to talk to babies. Some may like to be refered to as a child, but I think grown ups should talk to each other with sense. Most of you think this is just a grip because I do not use and unintelligable name to refer to myself, but I have been bellowed at using a different name. It was from a 1 year old. Point made. Even the Bible talks about putting childish talk away to become mature. Make your mama proud and don't mock the efforts she made in childbirth. Use your name!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Using time wisely...

The truth is back...

Lately I have noticed that people are dissatisfied with aspects of their life. Whether it is what they read on the internet, what they watch on TV, or whatever; they are miffed. Here is a bit of info for those folks to chew on...choose what you spend your time on wisely. If you don't want to listen to people whine, don't hamg out with them. If you don't want to read others opinions on the internet; go outside you pale creatures. If you don't like your lack of love life, ask someone out or join a convent. What ever you chose to do with your time, remember it is your choice. Maybe you would be happier if you made better choices.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Coming to an understanding

At my first church where I was on staff, I played softball on the church's women's team. It was fun. One of the parents, who loved to play softball, had recently found out she was pregnant with her second child. Because of her passion to play ball, she continued to come to practice, sit on the bench, and watch impatiently. We got into a converstation and her comment to me stuck. It was, "you'll never underwstand how it feels not to be able to do what you love." Ouch. To sit gritting your teeth wanting so bad to be involved but unable. Unable not because of skill, or of training, or of passion, but of circumstances. The other stuff you can control, but not circumstances. And those things can keep us from what we really want to do. Now I understand that statement she made, because I want to be involved in an area but because of circumstance, prohibited. Yes it is frustrating. Yes, some of you can understand this also. So what do we do? I wish I had a pointed answer. I wish I could give you a list of "to dos" that would solve this issue. However, the cycle continues. I can not explain what to do to resolve the problem, but I can tell you what to do during the problem. You must first come to an understanding. This understanding is that we are not equiped to control the future. Thus we are not able to control circumstance. "Well, thanks that helps me become more depressed." If we could control circumstances some of the greatest things would not come to pass. That unexpected child, that loss of a job, that not getting a position we really wanted that turned out to be with Enron. We cannot see the fututre, but God can. He also has the ability to control circumstance. So why do they not go my way? The key is the future. What we do today has direct bearing on our future. This point of life may be in preparation for something in my future. "Hmmm, this isn't making me feel any better." I know, but look at it this way; preparation is a good plan for the unknown future. If a soldier doesn't know how not to get shot, it doesn't matter if he is the best shot of the army. In Jeremiah 29:11(the most popular verse for graduates), it talks of God knowing the plans for the future, my future. These plans are for my good for my future. But we often see the hope of this verse and missed the message of the 2 verses after (v.12-13). In order to benefit fully from these plans we must be connected with the One who plans. Seeking God with all our heart will make the time of preparation better. How? Even I do not know the methods and depth of His comfort I just receive it. So, we are to thrive through the days, months, and years of preparations. It all has to do with trust, and in an untrusting world that is what makes this hard to come to an understanding.

Monday, April 11, 2005

The Cup

I am Granddaddy’s girl. Even though he is not here anymore, I am still Granddaddy’s girl. I use to follow Him around everywhere. One of the things I have picked up on was his love, or need of coffee. I noticed that he used the same coffee cup everyday. It was a short, thick glass, 70’s style pee yellow mug. Anytime you went to my grandparents’ house you knew you could have your choice of cup, but no one was to touch Granddaddy’s cup. He loved his cup. He also had a very tough, reliable cup. Sometimes he would leave it outside in the rain, or drop it in the dirt, or let it roll around in the floorboard of his truck. But he always had it every morning ready to refill and use again.

I want my life to be like that cup. Minus the 70’s pee yellow, it was made for a purpose and it served its purpose well. Even though my Heavenly Father may let me see the outside sometimes with the rain, roll around in the floorboard, and occasional lets me feel pain as if I was dropped (but I know I’m not). But I have a purpose. I am loved. Every morning He seeks me and I Him; to fill me up and start our day off together. I want to serve Him as the best cup ever. So when I start my day I offer myself as a servant. I go to work and my routine is simple. I put away my stuff and pour me some coffee in a short, thick glassed, 70’s style pee yellow coffee cup.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Don't you just love it when everyone offers you an opinion. Sometimes we ask for it and sometimes we don't; but there is always an abundance of opinions. I personally don't care about those said opinionated people. I amuse them by thanking them for their unwarranted advice, and immediately dismiss it when I walk away. Think of the starving children in China. Your time and efforts will be more appreciated by those malnourished little people. I will go even further into dislike by saying: "Your opinion doesn't matter." There I said it. You can now go deal with this reality.

Moral of this story: (Now really, haven't we learned anything.)

Friday, February 11, 2005


For those of you who have ever dealt with the DMV for anything knows it can be frustrating. All in all, the people I have encountered are rather pleassant but they do occassionaly lack intelligence. I am still dealing with the ripple effects of my wreck. One of these effects is getting a new license plate to replace my stolen one. I have often wondered if the DMV accidentally gave me the wrong plate when I bought it, but dismissed it until yesterday. After returning home I checked my plate against the registration, and sure enough they were 2 different items. Shortly after my discovery the phone rang. It was the DMV wanting to know if my plate and registration matched. I am getting new registration in the mail some time next week.

It is not rude to double check information and goods infront of the person giving them out. Now if you have a arrogant attitude yes, you are a moron and should go learn some tact from people who actually have some. It is a good thing to double check. In Colossians, Paul was writing to the church asking them to be aware of teaching that was not the truth. Maybe if the church had double checked the information against the true gospel Paul would of saved on some postage. As a rule if you ever hear a preacher, Bible study leader, or anyone say something that you have questions on, double check it. After all that is a function of our Bible. It is here to help us.

Moral of this Story: Umm...Double check things. I mean really, can't you figure this one out on your own.

Monday, January 31, 2005


A week ago I wrecked my Blazer. Belton is not the ideal place to have a car accident. For those asking, "Whose fault is it?", it was mine. I was blinded by the sun that blurred the colors of the vehicle infront of me masking the brake lights. Maybe it was a cause of old age. Maybe it was lack of attention. Maybe it was due to heavy traffic. Maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe God takes opportunites to teach us things even if we see it as an accident. So an accident, when things happen that we never meant to. The results are up to us; how we handle things reflect your character.

Immediately I began searching for what God wanted me to learn. Every event is an opportunity to learn. I look at the other driver, she was watching me. I looked at the officer, she was watching me. I looked at the tow truck people, they were watching me. All the cars passing by were watching me. It got a little creepy. So I looked at my Bible in Colossian 2:5 :

"For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is."

I hope that they saw something in me that reflected my faith in Christ. Character is often descibed as the person you are when no one but God is watching. But your character can be evaluated by all those watching including God. I wonder how I would be evaluated? Do you ever wonder how you are evaluated?

Moral of this story: If we asked the world to "look at me!" What do they see?

Friday, January 21, 2005

Best advice EVER!

I received this advise while I was in school and it has helped me in ways I cannot explain. If you really think about it, this simple phrase can shake off all those stupid ideas we have in our heads. Prepare yourself, here it come...

"Take your job seriously not yourself."

Let this sink in. If we would take our life's work more seriously than we take ourselves, insecurities will be slashed by half if not more. No more worrying about what we wear, or how our hair looks. Vanity is not a priority. We will stop staying awake at night wondering if "they" like me or not. We will have fun at church, at school/work, at the DMV!

Now the big kicker is what is your job? What is your life's work? What is the one thing you want to be taking seriously? Is it your family...I suggest you go bigger. How about your area of employment, after all it is your job...but not necessarily your life's work. A sport...you are thinking way too small. Come on now your life's work, what you want to be remebered for. Sit and think about this for a while.

Moral of this story: Seriously, you are your life's work. Make it count for eternity.