Thursday, November 16, 2006

Missing Christmas

This year I will miss Christmas. Slowly but surely the things I held dear are being forced out of my life. It has started small, things I said I would never let drop, have landed like lead. I haven't been to church in over a month. Some of you will say it is ok, that my relationship with God doesn't depend on it. True but what about my relationship with other believers? I do think it is important to be involved in a body of believers to maintain a relationship with them. I will have to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day this year. Family is not important to this job, neither is kindness. I have missed one but never both,and never Christmas. We are trying to make it work where I can see them some, but it will be a difficult adjustment. This is not for me. I need both of my families and I am being kept from them. Have you ever felt stuck? This is new to me, I've always had options. Now, I have to miss Christmas.