Friday, September 09, 2005


I hate chess. Mainly because I cannot play. I probably could learn it and eventually be really good at it. It is such a game of strategy that it hurts my head. Playing with pawns on a checkered board seems too much like a game of power. Maybe it is for those who cannot master power in real life. Maybe it is the only way man can pretend to be God instructing their little wooden universe in a mini battle of good vs. evil. I think there should be a super chess piece added to the existing ones. A piece that can trump the royalty of the board. Wouldn't that be cool? I think this piece may look a lot like lady justice. Blinded but fair and powerful. What would the game look like with justice? What would life look like with justice? Maybe life already has it in some forms? Maybe grace keeps it at bay?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Mean tricks

Have you ever had someone try the old "dollar on a string" trick on you. For most of us a dollar still is a lot of money so finding one laying on the sidewalk is not a coincidence but an answered prayer. Your heart thumps as you reach down to take hold of this manna from heaven. Just as you get slides away. You are determined so you give chase. All the while someone is laughing in a hidden location. Dreams dashed. Dreams crushed. You are angry, embarassed, and hurt.
Does this sound familar. Finally after so much time your dream is in sight. You can see it, smell it, taste it. You are invited to take it finally, after all the hard work and long wait, to make this dream a tangible reality. Then without warning a cruel twist of fate snatches it further away. You are left hanging, frozen. Your thoughts are clouded in utter shock. When you straighten you have questions...should I reach again or just walk away? Is this a joke?
So what do you do? Here is what I would do. Stand tall and be observant. Look around. Is the dream/dollar connected to something? Notice your surroundings, listen, draw conclusions from facts not assumptions. Follow the string. Find the person laughing in a hidden location and beat the crap out of him. Take what was snatched away from you.