Tuesday, January 31, 2006


In recent time I have entered into the world of job hunting. I don't look good in camoflauge nor do I like the prep that goes into hunting. Some more successful hunters go as far as rubbing aromatic substances on them to attract prey. We call these resumes. Some folks have great resumes and some do not. But job hunting offers a twist that is unlike the sport of hunting. We go into the forest of the market, with our camo (business attire), our aromatic substance (resusme), and our gun (job experience). But when the prey is in our sights and the opportunity arises; we do not adjust our scope and squeeze the trigger. No, we run up to the prey and stand there. We have presented ourselves in sight, smell, and written word. And we wait for the approval of the prey. If this prey doesn't accept us, we run after another prey. And we wait. Again and again we through ourselves out there only to have to start over with a new target. I prefer sitting in a tree stand and popping the prey of my choice. After all isn't the hunter the one with the gun? So we hit the forest day after day, presenting, waiting, and moving on the other prey. Soon our stamma runs low, so we adjust our targeted prey. We go from bear hunting to something more attainable like turtles. They seem easier to track. They are more likely to take a look. They are not likely to run away. Afterall, Grizzly Adams was the only man I know of that was accepted by the bear. So we leave the forest discouraged. We go home and ready our camo. We rethink our aroma. We clean up our gun. All for the next day in the forest.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Disclaimer: This is symbolism.

The composition of a valley is unique. They can be very deep or shallow. The can have smooth sides or be labeled as treacherous. They can have paths within them that are flat or rocky and painful. Our first inclination is to get out of the valley. We may try to climb out, but this proves dangerous because we don't have the correct saftey equipment. Maybe we think someone will hear us so we cry out for help, but the valley just echos our voices. So we refine ourselves to wait to be rescued. We set up camp and start digging holes to use for our extended stay. This is not useful because by digging we make the valley deeper. So the valley is real, it has no map "pointing this way out." Being on the mountain is our desire. What do you do? The valley is a learning tool. You cannot climb a mountain without entering its valley. We have a misconception that happiness only exsists on the mountain, but what about the rest of the land. Valleys are places to get ready for your ascent up the mountain. Here you can practice your climbing in small doses. Here you can build your endurance. Here you can learn to appreciate the light that shines through. Valleys fine tune our abilites and builds our strength. Here you prepare for the mountain. As dark and cold as it can be they still have the same amount of time as the mountain. They still exsist on the same earth. (James 1:2-4; for fun read "trials" as "valleys") So how is your valley? What are you doing while in there? Waitin to be rescued? Don't you know you already have been or you would not even see the mountain (John 9:25c).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Conversationally Impaired

I love conversations that are full and satisfying. Often times people loose their ability to create those types of conversations. These people are easy to spot, let me help clear your vision. These poor souls are suffering from a mental breakdown that doesn't allow them to realize that others don't give a crap about what they are saying. They start awkward converstions at times when you could be doing something more fun like, visiting the DMV. Always their topic surrounds themselves doing something they like, but normal people don't care for at all. Topics may include how they feel about something, quoting some movie and expecting you to know which one, or talking about their latest workout experience. Sometimes we feel like we are "out of the loop" and think we must conform to their idea of "fun" converstions. DON"T! This is a trap, do not fall prey to this demented thinking. These people think they are fun people and to others like them they are, but reality will show their true uncreative nature. We have been given so many topics for conversation that sticking with the same few seems like a betrayal. So protect yourself from low quality conversations. Be animated, creative, and fun to be around.

Moral of this story: Small Talkers use meaningless topics for meaningless conversations.