Monday, November 21, 2005


What have you been training for? What has life put in your path that you have used years down the road? Has life taken a direction you didn't expect only to pickup experience you would of never had? Have you ever been given a chance? My journey so far has been ... um... odd. I went from from Georgia to Texas to Georgia to South Carolina over the last ten years. I have worked in 4 cities, 8 job positions, & 5 different churches. While in Texas at school, I worked in the Landscaping department. I mowed grass. Later, I was promoted and put in charge of an entire crew of men and women. I was to direct and maintain the landscaping for the main campus (that dealt with the lawn itself) and some of the off campus housing. I was put in a position of leadership. Wierd I know, I was shy and quiet. I wasn't trained in the finer points of landscaping. I never had experience in this type of work. The higher-ups took a chance. We had several events on campus as well as interesting seasonal events that directly affected the lawns. My crew was outstanding! We prefected the aspect of speed, accuracy, and dependability. Later that year I was honored with an award for leading this crew. I was given a chance and had awesome people working with me. Since this I have taken other positions where people have given me chances to lead and have seen things happen around me that were incredible. I love to lead. Coming along side people with a shared goal; it is intoxicating. Thank you to those who gave me a chance. Thank you for noticing that I was being prepared for the future. Thank you for passing on your wisdom and legacy to me. Thank you God for leading me everyday and being the best example of a leader ever!

Ok, now the application. People who consider themselves as leaders...Who have you given a chance to? Who have you paid close enough attention to notice potential? If you cannot name anyone, then maybe you are not the leader you think you are. Does you legacy die with you and your accomplishments or do they live within others you have passed wisdom to? Do you even have a legacy worth leaving with others? Wow this is a chunk to swallow, especially for me. I need to go an search for potential in others now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sanctuary Etiquette

You Loved it so here it is again:

Ok, for all those who always wanted to know what not to do in church here is a few suggestions.

1) I understand it is great to find a church that accepts you the way you are, but seriously we need to make sure that we are not misrepresenting ourselves. Worship experiences with a corporate body of believers is to be between you and God, the fewer the distractions the better. So when I find the perfect seat to focus on my Lord and someone sits in front of me and forces me to "say no to crack," I lose the essence of my worship. I believe we are to worship God unashamed, but some people should be ashamed. Please make sure that the parts that God made to be covered by Hanes products stay covered. No cracks, either from the bottom or the top. Why do so many people try to get rid of facial wrinkles and cracks but they want to show off others strategically placed ones? Also some women think it is cute to wear skirts that are ruffled and extremely short. I have a name for these skirts, Fart-skirts. It is simple, if they would fart the skirt would blow up with little or no effort. I used to tell the teenage girls to bend over with your feet crossed in front of your Dad and if he approves it is probably ok. I understand there are some horrible dads in the world but generally they will not let their name be branded as the father of a slut if they can help it. Moral of this story: If you bend, everything should stay in.

2) It is so sweet to see people who are in love. They hold hands, put arms around each other, smile in a sappy sort of way. However, remember that when in church our worship is to be focused on God, not the person we are trying to woo. Husbands and wives also need to remember to keep the married people antics at home. One recent experience left me with lots of questions and nausea. A couple who, I assumed, loved each other at least for the duration of the singing, could not keep there each other. I have seen secure and insecure couples scratch each others backs, squeeze hands, play with each others hair. This day I saw something that has scarred me for life...she was rubbing his butt! Up and down, side to side, circles; you name it. Any way she could rub she did. I wasn't sure if they were going to be able to stay for the whole service, but they did. PDA is only acceptable in corporate worship if you are using the computer PDA to take notes of the sermon. Moral of this story: We are to lift up "holy hands" and feel the presence of God, not grope our brothers or sisters.


At times everyone needs a crutch. Whether it is from a stumped toe or a incredible fall we still may need crutches. Do crutches necessarily mean weakness? Does it mean we can't handle our situation? No. Most people runaway from crutches. They assume anyone who has them is faulty and permenaently damaged. That is not the case. In most situations crutches are temporary. They are aides that help us get back on our own two feet. They are pieces of wood that give us the ability to stand when it is difficult. A cool thing about crutches is that they are not always two sticks we lean on, they can be other shapes and sizes. I recently had the need to use crutches. My crutches were not asked for but were provided anyway. My crutches came in the form of flesh, blood, and incredible hearts for Christ. When things happen in life and question your purpose, you feel you have come up lame. With a horse you shoot it; but we as humans have another way, we use crutches to aid us in healing. I want to thank my crutches. Those who listened and didn't talk about themselves all the time. Those who helped me understand the purpose God has given me and directed me to fulfill it. Those who reaffirmed me & gave me hard to swallow compliments. Those who validated my calling and leadership when I question if I was even a leader to begin with. THANK YOU. You make an awesome crutches and have made me more open to be a crutch for others lifting them up when they need it. You are a picture of Christ to me.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Playing it safe

Now we have all heard people comment on "playing it safe." And we have also heard the wanna-be's state all the things they do to live on the edge. Usually these people are trying to convince themselves they are exciting more than convincing the rest of the world. What I would like to ask is what have you done to "not play it safe" in your walk with Christ? Being safe has its place, but if we put saftey before obedience, who are we really following? I have struggled with this very question. It is not easy. Nor is there a cut and dry answer that can be typed, written, or paraphrased. It is based on a relationship between the individuals involved. Some people will jump off a slide of a cliff with a parachute before stepping foot into what Christ has called them to do. Why? What makes one risk greater than the other? Are we headed toward a thrill-seeking life with no meaning or lasting impact? It will be like the only thing we are known for is being the 8th President. You can't name him either or remember anything else he accomplished. Can the people around you say the same? Can heaven?