Friday, September 08, 2006

More Unique Terms

In a visit to my home in Georgia I was reminded of more phrases that are unique terms in the South. Here are a few of the phrases and the real meaning behind them:

1) "He's all boy." This is often said when a male child has an accident while doing something stupid that seemed like it should of broken several bones in his little body. Really this mean "Oh no! I have the next Jack-@%$ cast member." It also eventually leads to, them as grown men, being able to take a fall off of a building with no tears but whine about a splinter for 5 days.

2) "What can I do to help?" Women often ask this when at someone's house for dinner or a special occasion. What it really means is "I really don't want to help. I am a guest. But it is polite to say those meaningless words. Please respond with the word '"Nothing."" Those who don't ask are seen as impolite even though they are essentially wanting the same results of not helping.

3) This one can be confusing so pay close attention. When a southerner is asked, "What do you want to drink?" and they respond, "A Coke." It may not mean a Coca-Cola. Every soft drink in the south is called a Coke. The correct followup question should be, "What kind?" This gives the southern an opportunity to specify what type of soft drink they want. In addition, if a sounterner asks for tea it is to be iced and sweetened, if they want it prepared otherwise they will specifically ask for it that way.

I hope this has helped you in your quest to understand the hidden meanings in the southern dialect.

Wake Up

I recently started a new job. I have never done this type of work before nor have I had to work 12 hour swing shifts. It is taxing on the my resting requirememnts. I have to rearrange my sleep patterns every so often to aaccomidate my work schedule. This is not easily solved for me. I was brought up to sleep when it is dark outside. So learning this new vampire-ish-lifestyle is difficult. So I have decided to try some new things to aid in the change over from day dweller to night stalker. I first inhale large amounts of coffee. This makes me happy, and a bit jittery. Also I make sure I have rested as much as I can during the off time. To ensure this rest I do things that bore me; like housework or laundry or watch new SNL episodes (that are not remotely funny anymore). Next I decided to use this alert time of my day to exercise...oh who am I kidding. I may never get use to the back and forth rotation of my work schdule, but I will get some satisfaction. Every two week I get a stretch of 7 days off and I get paid. Face it that is what motivates people to work unnatural hours. Those who say otherwise are liars and sleep deprived.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I need cereal

Worry. The leading cause of stress. We all worry about something. Some worry about people, some worry about success, some worry about thing they cannot control for the good or the bad. We all worry. It is as staple an activity as breathing. It has lasting effects and can cause pain. Or is the object of our worry that causes pain? I worry. Right now it is about the future. Whether my life will be fruitful or not. Whether I will follow a path of mundance exsistance in punching a clock, microwaving dinner for one, and watching TV to hear voices other than my own. I worry about my family getting hurt and what I would do to the one who hurts them. I worry about what people think. I worry what peole use to think in the past and what they may think in the future. I worry about things I can control and the things I could never control even if I tried. It takes alot out of me to worry. It comsumes hours at a time. So I have decided that I will choose not to worry about so many things. I will worry about what needs attention that only I can provide. Right now I will worry about buying things I need at home. I need sugar, washing powder, and cereal. I need cereal.