Monday, August 15, 2005

Lies from Childhood Revealed

I love the wonder of children. Okay, I love the gullable nature of children. They are fun. We can tell them stories, and they believe them to the letter. Remember all those fairy tales. We thought unicorns actually exsisted, frogs turned into princes, and houses were make of edible items. But they are not true. Cows cannot not jump over moons and neither does "once upon a time" always end with "happily ever after." Yet we try to make our lives match those lovely stories. We think that just because we are not the one the mirror names as the "fairest of them all," we have failed and an Extreme Makeover is our only hope. So what do we do when the slipper doesn't fit? How do we go on when the goose lays a regular egg? We live. We may not have countless people reading about us, but that is more common than you think. Just because a story, or an article, or a TV show features someone does not mean it is the norm. It is the exact opposite. There are more people out there that choose reality to live in instead of Hollywood. They are the people that make our country great. I don't know about you, but I rather be defined by an average, dependable assembly-line worker than a maid walking around in glass high heels. It is ok to dream, just remember to wake up.


LannaGrace said...

unicorns do exist...they're goats.

case closed said...