Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Wadded Panties Cause Uncomfortable Rashes

Don't you just love people who react to anything by immediately diving into a huge attitude problem? They may get quiet, or loud. They may call you names or never call you again. Some get so out of shape that it borders a medical emergency to remove the wad. We have all had wedgies and understand how they can be uncomfortable. But wedgies and wadded panties are two different situations. Wedgies are usually unwanted and unintended. Wadded panties are usually people taking themselves way too seriously. So do you suffer from a wad or a wedgie? Intended or unwanted? Self-centered or victim of circumstance? Wadded panties, when worn that way too long, can cause unconfortable rashes. It is uncomfortable for the person with the wad and the people watching them walk around like they just got off a horse.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I do miss hanging out with you!!!